The drop that starts the ripple…
Is the very thought that paves way for the change !
Every Ripple Creates A Story
Hi, I am Rippy & I am a lifestyle blogger. As a working professional & a homemaker for over 22 years, I share what I know from my experience. I help working professionals like you with simple, actionable tips to manage work, life and teenage kids thus creating a blissful space for you and your loved ones.
Want to know more About Me?


7 Series
No Regrets Only Learnings in the Corporate Life which I wish to share with the world.

Positive Parenting
Great Parenting happens when we start controlling ourself & stop controlling our child.

Self-Care is not Selfish. Everyday Self-Care Tips for the Mind & The Body

Life Lessons
My Life, My Choices, My Mistakes , My Lessons…Join In !
Latest Posts
On the occasion of our 25th marriage anniversary, I am sharing the 25 most important lessons marriage taught us about life, love, and happiness.
According to research, 38.5% of U.S. adults set New Year’s resolutions yearly, based on the average of five studies over the past years. 43% of all people expect to fail before February, and almost one out of four quit within the first week of setting their New Year’s resolution. Most people quit before the end of January, and only 9% see their resolutions through until succession. Why does that happen, and will I follow suit with my resolutions? Only time will tell but for now, read on to find my 7.
Our daily dose of inspiration need not come from larger than life things. Sometimes inspiration comes from things we take for granted. This blog covers 7 things that inspire me everyday to do more & become more. Does your list include any of these?
My Valuable Tribe of Supporters & what they are saying…
Rippy, I’ve always admired your clarity of thoughts since school hood days and I really like this post. Completely agree with VUCA world thing. At one point of time, I thought I’ve completely lost it when I just couldn’t tackle my younger one. It’s more learning than parenting. Then my mom and mom in law told to be patient and listen more. Just felt like sharing with u after reading your lovely piece esp the last line. Kind of felt doing the right thing thanks.
Very well compiled, Rippy! It is a good reminder for all about what it takes to succeed. You have a great ability to express and you’re open to paying tributes to the leaders who have inspired you ?. I wish you all the success so that this series becomes a brand in itself!! Looking forward to more such thoughts through 7 raised to infinity series!!
Management Series
Very essential points for self care… it is so true that you can’t pour from an empty vessel… similarly you can’t take care of your loved ones if you are not healthy & happy.,,so self care comes first & foremost…
Every word resonated. “Form your own opinions”… I know you do that and I have always respected your maturity and clarity. Amongst many other qualities and value. Keep penning…these are everyday choices/ decisions we all make…your thoughts will inspire us during these times
Life Lessons
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I offer no lead magnets or bribes. What I have for you is an open platform to share thoughts, experiences and learnings that make an impact on our Mindset & Motivate us to manage our lives better.
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