Rippy Gauba

Sketch of a lady painting

9 Brilliant Lessons Painting Taught Me About Life

When I started painting last year, I came across this breathtaking painting of a tiger I wanted to reproduce, but I did not have the confidence to do so.

I finally decided to take on this ambitious project this February & managed to complete this painting in 3 months.

It is said that art imitates life, and I could not agree more as I learned some technicalities of how to paint and how to live life.

Read about the amazing lessons I learnt while painting this tiger and remember there is something to learn in everything we do.

Art depicting lady working from home

7 Useful Tips to Successfully Manage Remote Teams This Year

Work from home as reality is here to stay. As leaders in the new normal era, we need to ensure that our teams can achieve equilibrium in their personal & professional lives & reach a stage of BAU (Business As Usual).
My blog talks about 7 best practices to manage remote teams in this new normal era. These tips balance their personal & professional needs and make a positive impact.