My Daily Dose of Inspiration Comes From These 7 Incredible Things
Inspiration is amongst the most misused words today. We use this word for everything and anything not realizing the real significance or the power of this word. But what does the word inspire actually mean?
The dictionary meaning of the word inspire is “fill (someone) with the urge or ability to do or feel something, especially to do something creative”. Therefore you are truly inspired if the object/person/situation propels you towards action. This can be immediate or maybe sometime later in your life. But if the inspiration is only momentary and does not result in any action then it’s not an inspiration at all.

I also feel that the event/object/person need not be larger than life to inspire. Sometimes smallest of things in life have a much deeper impact than we can imagine. We come across various people and situations in our lives but do we ever pause and think, what did I learn from them or is there something I can take back with me? All of those who have been reading my blogs would know by now that I look forward to learning from everything I do whether it’s Yoga, painting or my work.
In this blog, I try to explore some more simple yet powerful things that inspire me every day. These simple things keep me going and I promise these will make you think too.
- My Daily Dose of Inspiration Comes From These 7 Incredible Things
- Your Daily Doses of Inspiration Which Are More Powerful Than You Think
- 1. Content Creation
- 2. Creativity
- 3. Interacting With My Teens
- 4. Interacting With My Colleagues
- 5. Yoga
- 6. Sunrise and Sunset
- 7. Power of Meditation
- To Summarise:
- Amazing Things That Inspire Me. What Inspires You?
- More Motivation Posts
Your Daily Doses of Inspiration Which Are More Powerful Than You Think
1. Content Creation

I stepped into the field of content creation in 2020 when I started blogging. I was fascinated by the fact that how bloggers think of topics to write about regularly and can spin a story around their thoughts. At that same time, I also ventured into social media starting my own Instagram handle promoting my blog My Ripple Effect. Initially, it was a struggle to post every day. But as I went through the contents of various other people I got inspired by their approach which was catchy and effective at the same time. I started building my content to share the message I wanted to convey to my audience in an interesting way.
While people may rubbish the various social media handles, I feel the effort that goes into putting up a post or a story is huge and deserves to be applauded. I remember when I started my Instagram handle to support my blog, I did not know what to post and how to post. At that time my niece and my teenage daughter helped me put a framework to post the content that I believed in. I did not hesitate to experiment and now I have created a niche for myself. I have overcome my fear of social media now and look at any form of content creation as a learning input.
2. Creativity

Creativity is defined as the tendency to generate or recognize ideas, alternatives, or possibilities that may be useful in solving problems, communicating with others, and entertaining ourselves and others.
I always thought that we are born creative but the last two years have taught me otherwise. Creativity can be learned at any age and in any form. It can take the form of art, dance, writing or managing a house or an office.
But why is it important to be creative? Well, I have a whole blog on that which you can read here. However, the question is how creativity can inspire you? Being creative inspires me in the following ways:
- This motivates me to challenge myself to do things that others are doing, eg Content Creation
- It opens my mind to new ideas and perspectives – for eg adding slightly different ingredients to the same staple food will give it a whole new taste.
- It breaks the monotony of routine- Experimenting with different types of table settings will not only help make a monotonous task interesting but will also fetch you compliments.
- Innovative problem-solving techniques at work always find an appreciative audience.
- Adds an interesting twist -I look forward to my strength training workouts as my trainer comes up with creative versions of the routine exercises with different props for eg: PVC pipe and a pressure cooker.
As you would notice, I have taken examples from 5 different fields which are totally unrelated and the only common thread that binds them together is creativity. Therefore creativity knows no bounds and no form that’s why it never ceases to inspire me.
3. Interacting With My Teens

Teenage is an age where not only do our children learn from us but we also learn from them. For my husband and me, this has been the most eventful and humbling experience. Many of our myths & beliefs have got questioned and we have started appreciating different perspectives. Our teenage girls made us introspect and look at different aspects of life like gender diversity, equality, social practices and the world at large. Today’s teens are definitely more compassionate than we were at that age and are true citizens of the world. And the best part is that they have made us one too.
My teens not only inspire me to think differently regarding the larger issues of the world but also about me. Whether it’s feeling comfortable in my own skin or wearing what I want to wear or doing what I want to do, they are my biggest cheerleaders.
Therefore every day I spend with them teaches me something that I can do either for myself or with myself which had helped me evolve to be a better person.
4. Interacting With My Colleagues

I believe one can learn and get inspired from anyone that crosses their path and our coworkers play a critical role in our lives. I have learned so many things from my colleagues irrespective of the fact whether they were my seniors or juniors. These learnings have enriched my corporate journey of 20 years and continue to do so even now. As a matter of fact, I have dedicated a blog to this relationship and you can read it here.
5. Yoga

The more I practice Yoga, the more it amazes me with its versatility, forms and benefits. A journey which started 2 years back during the Covid lockdown has become an important part of my daily routine. Now I cannot imagine my life without it. Yoga taught me some important life lessons which go beyond those 45 minutes I spend doing it every day.
6. Sunrise and Sunset

I can imagine that puzzled look on your face. Really what can be inspiring in these except their beauty and the various shades?
Actually, for me, these have a different meanings:
Every sunrise means a new day, new beginnings and an opportunity given to me to do what I want to do with my life. It inspires me to choose how I would want my day to be.
Similarly, every sunset brings with it the satisfaction of a day well spent. Even if the day did not go as planned, I still was able to make it through and will have a new day tomorrow.
Isn’t this inspiring enough to be included in the list? What do you think?
7. Power of Meditation

I am a very spiritual person and believe in a supreme power or energy that makes the world go around. While I do pray every night, I was not into meditation. I started doing meditation two years back and since then felt a sense of calmness inside me.
I got introduced to meditation two years back again during Covid times, the most difficult times our generation faced. There were situations when we were helpless as we could not travel and meet our loved ones as they faced health crises. That’s the time meditation came to my rescue.
“Meditating does not change the situation but changes your reaction and outlook towards the situation. ”
It helped me accept reality and evaluate the situation with a calm and balanced state of mind. Hence it helped me put things and events in my life in perspective.
Meditation took me through those difficult and challenging days and since then it has become a part of my daily routine. Sometimes I am able to concentrate and some days my mind wavers. But I make it a habit to sit irrespective of my state of mind.
This is one thing that I would want my daughters to adopt though they are too young now. But the sooner we understand the benefits of meditation, the more beneficial it is. Hope on this one they get inspired by me.
To Summarise:

I feel you stop growing the day you stop learning and you stop learning if you stop getting inspired. Look around, there will always be something which you feel you want to do or at least try to do. That one spark can be enough to start your journey of self-discovery and a new passion and can break the monotony of a daily routine.
Hope these daily inspirations find their way into your life too.
If yes, please do share with your family and friends so that they can also benefit from these learnings.
I look forward to hearing your thoughts on this blog either here or on my Instagram page listed below.
A big thanks to my sister Dr Minni Chadha for the artwork on the blog header.
Amazing Things That Inspire Me. What Inspires You?
More Motivation Posts
Once again got inspired by your creative thinking. Didn’t know that mundane routine things could inspire based on the viewer’s outlook!
Keep writing to inspire!!
Thanks so much
Very well written blog…
Yoga has been constant in my last since last so many years… since 2014…in those 45 minutes, i forget all my worries & just concentrate on the present…
Meditation is a recent habit I have acquired… & it has helped me get through so many down phases in my life…
Creativity has always been something inbuilt in my being… creating something.. be it a mandala piece , knitting a sweater, crocheting a cap or a scarf… it takes me into a world where iam content & peaceful…
These are a few things that have taken me through some difficult times in my life…
My family, immediate & extended, my friends… they’ve inspired me with their kindness & rock solid support & love… to pass on all this forward…
Always my supporter. Thanks for your kind words and for being one of my biggest inspirations.
You are right ..Age should not stop us from being creative,or pick up something new.Inspiration can be gleaned from any thing and everything.All we need is a clear and a open mind. I get inspired by people with who I am acquainted…I find there is a difference in how eachone handles things be it academics,research,life problems ,Incidents, health crisis .That makes me think and mostly inspired.The way the art work of ur sister Dr.Minni depicts clearly the jist of the content u write is also an inspiration ?
Thanks so much Dr. Nithya for your kind words.
Awesome as always…way to go ideas,dear Rippy.
Ur column always inspires me. Such simple ways…and concrete messages..
Loved ur blog..this one and always:)
Keep shining bright
Thanks so much Vishakha for your kind words.