7 Reasons Why This Is the Best Time To Adopt Yoga
Yoga Vs Gym is a constant debate. In this blog, I share my transition to Yoga after 15 years of gymming & the life transformation benefits experienced for mind & body.
Yoga Vs Gym is a constant debate. In this blog, I share my transition to Yoga after 15 years of gymming & the life transformation benefits experienced for mind & body.
Have you ever wondered “Do I need coaching?” Read this blog to understand the importance of coaching and how right coaching at the right time can help you transform your life. Coaching is not Mentoring & this blog illustrates how a coach impacts your life.
Best-Self Help gift ideas for people who need it the most. This gift guide encourages you to be selfless this season & spread the joy of wellness. These gifts for self-help & self-care are not only gifts for loved ones but also for people who made a difference in your lives this year. Show gratitude and appreciate people who are there for you without any conditions. Also, find some self gifting ideas for yourself. Self-care is not Selfish.
Love to Dress up? Is this an integral part of your Self-care? The importance of dressing well goes well beyond just looking good. Click here to know the benefits of dressing up & why you should dress up everyday. Without guilt 🙂
The year 2020 will be seen as a pivotal year in our lives. While we all are re-looking at our priorities, how has this year impacted our teen’s ? Our Teens are learning some important Life Lessons which will shape their core values & beliefs in future. Click here to read more & support them in this journey.
Life teaches us many things in its own unique way. Here are 5 short Life Lessons that I learnt during my journey and would want my Teens to be appreciate & imbibe these too. Read on to find out if these are your learnings too!