From A Dentist To A Fitness Specialist…My Journey
From a Dental Surgeon to Fitness Expert
I started my practice as a dental surgeon in 1990. In 1992 I married my colleague and my best friend (as he has remained even after 28 years of marriage). My daughter, who’s the pride and joy of my life, was born in 1994.
I had been in private practice since 1990, which has its own sets of demands and challenges. Life was good, hectic and busy juggling between raising my daughter, managing the home front as well as my clinic. I had and always been an exercise enthusiast. And would try and fit in my exercise and wellness routines in the mornings when I had some free time.
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Due to an unfortunate accident, I suffered a knee injury with a medial meniscus tear. I was plagued by nagging shoulder pain, mainly due to the postural imbalances caused by my profession.
At that point, I realized that I had to take stock of my health fallibility’s if I needed to continue leading a content life. The concept of managing these shortcomings through movement management came as a revelation!
This prompted me to make a decision to study movement science, and the role it plays in improving mobility post injuries.
My journey towards fitness sciences started in 2006, and I haven’t looked back ever since. One thing led to another, and in due course of time, I qualified as a Master Functional Trainer, Rehab practitioner (Injury management), Mobility specialist, Blackroll and Barefoot training specialist, and a Nutrition consultant for weight management, sports and clinical nutrition.

My Wellness Philosophy
During my journey into this field, I realized that health and wellness truly matter in the wellbeing of a person. The importance of lifestyle changes, beginning with smart and sustainable food habits, exercising, practising mindfulness, gratitude, self-love and caring for oneself.
Sustainable and individually tailored exercise or physical activity, which is enjoyable and not mundane, will improve muscle strength, and boost cardiovascular endurance.
Exercise will help in better peripheral oxygen saturation of the tissues, thereby ensuring an optimal distribution of nutrients. When the heart and lung health is at its optimum, the body’s immunity is at its best, thereby allowing it to tackle and combat any infection effectively. This has been abundantly proved in the current pandemic.

Improved energy levels translate to an improved ability to cope and execute daily activities and chores with vim and vigour. All of which contribute to an improved life.
Exercise is a great stress buster and helps in releasing endorphins (or happy hormones). Endorphins which elevates the mood improves well-being, increases mental acuity, has an anti-ageing effect, and boosts self-confidence. The human body is designed for movement, which is one of the reasons why we evolved as bipeds.
Current sedentary lifestyles have made us professional “sitters”. Sedentary lifestyles are more harmful than smoking, to draw a parallel between the two.
Nutrition is symbiotic with exercise. The proper fuel (nutrition), will provide the requisite energy to our engine (our body). An expensive car will get damaged with poor quality fuel. The same analogy can be drawn for the human body too!
My goal has always been to help people change their relationship with food. When good, sustainable and enjoyable dietary habits become a lifestyle modification, we are healthier and happier individuals.
Eating right, and at the right time, contributes to a large chunk of any fitness routine. Mindful dietary habits will contribute to controlling body fat, improve skin tone, help build strong bones and stamina, just to mention a few benefits!
Success is often defined in absolute monetary achievements. However, as the adage goes, Health is better than wealth, applies completely in our current fast-paced lifestyles.
For all the monetary benefits one may reap, if it’s not supplemented by good health to enjoy the spoils, it pretty much has no meaning.
Follow Your Passion
It is essential to be passionate about one’s life goals. Passion and enthusiasm will effectively contribute to self-reliance and resilience to tackle anything, and everything life throws at us. Passion also stems from self-motivation and personal willpower!
My passion has always been coaching people on their journey to fitness. It has involved exploring the beliefs, experiences and values of my client. My approach has always been comprehensive and holistic, rather than merely focusing on final gains.

Exploration involves lending a sympathetic and understanding ear to my clients, as well as reflecting the individual’s personality by asking relevant questions. Like fingerprints, every person has a unique personality, so directing them towards their goals whilst self-introspecting, unleashes their full potential to transform their lives!
“ IF YOUR PASSION IS YOUR PROFESSION, YOU WILL NEVER HAVE TO WORK FOR A DAY IN YOUR LIFE“. I believe and follow this maxim to its fullest. My goal has always been to help individuals reach their optimal potential in terms of health, injury prevention, physical fitness and leading a happy life, whether you are 18 or 80! Therein lies the true raison de étre!

Dr. Shalini Mukherji

For most of us, especially in our younger years is Health is something we take for granted …only when we don’t have it any longer we realise it’s importance….
Then the meaning of the phrases like Health is the real Wealth… we understand …
Rightly said by Dr Shalini….Nutrition…& Fitness…physical,mental & spiritual…are the keys to healthy lives ….
Very well written piece…
Being a Dental Surgeon myself…I know how much it takes to 1st finish the professional course & then establishing a practice…
Kudos to you…. Dr Shalini for leaving an established practice to follow your passion…it’s not easy …it takes lots of guts to leave the safety of known for something unknown …but as they say…..,no guts….no glory
More power to you
God bless……