All You Need To Know About Powerful Parenting
We all have tried numerous teenage parenting tips. Some do work sometimes times but none of these parenting strategies is foolproof. Teenager’s relationship with their parents is very delicate at this stage. You need some Powerful Parenting Approach to make your teen soar high in this complex world.
And what is different in today’s world? I call today’s world the “VUCA” world.
So what is the “VUCA” world? I will come to that in a little bit. But what is essential to understand is that this makes parenting all the more difficult and opens up an entire gamut of interpretations.
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The Zillennial Generation
Being a parent of a “Millennial” or a “Zillennial” ( aka Gen Z) keeps you always on tenterhooks. We are constantly judging our ability to bring up our children. Am I doing the so-called “Positive Parenting?” Am I too strict with my teenager or too lenient? Am I the liberal parent or a conservative, interfering parent?
Will I stress my child, or am I the friend he or she needs? A sea of thoughts come and go through our minds & we are constantly changing our parenting strategies to get across to our kids. You want to show your teenager that you care but at the same time, you want to discipline them.
Believe me, if the teenage life is tough, the parent life is tougher.

The VUCA World
My husband and I have been blessed with two daughters who belong to the Zillennial club & for us the VUCA world from their perspective are this :
V- VOLATILE– Liable to display rapid changes of emotion depending on whether the internet speed is acceptable or they have the expected “Likes” on the social media posts.
U- UNCERTAIN– of what they want to do or where their priorities lie. These change every day due to the exposure to social media, influencers, and friends & of course the ever-cautious parents.

C- Our kids certainly live in more COMPLEX times than us as a result of a plethora of choices to follow, from clothes to career to numerous online challenges.. with social media dictating how one should eat sleep dress and most importantly live our lives. Terms like Cyber Bullying, FOMO, Body-Shaming & Imposter Syndrome are things happening in our world & maybe closer to home.
A- We live in times that are in many ways, AMBIGUOUS. Maybe that’s why kids want precision in what they read, hear & expect – they don’t like that moral ambiguity. But we as parents are still transitioning from the morals of yesterday to the realities of today & that’s where the conflict arises.
Reverse Parenting Approach
So how are my husband & I handling this? We are trying to do something called “Reverse Parenting,” i.e. learning from our two girls which in turn gives us an insight into what values, morals & traits they have picked up from the ecosystem including us.

Their conversations, reactions, decisions & judgements reflect these and are very important building blocks of their character & will help them survive or even thrive in this VUCA world.
We also get lessons on how to deal with teenage daughter attitudes. But this is through their sharing of experiences of their friends and other teens they interact with.
Here are some interesting lessons we have learnt in the parenting journey till now and they are worthwhile all the efforts put in.
5 Key lessons learnt till now :

Walk the Talk
Children are like sponges, they absorb both good things & bad things from us first & then the environment. The process of Parenting has made us more conscious of our actions & reactions both as we are being “watched”.
And in the process, we have also learned a few good habits. Phone-distancing, minding our Ps & Qs & not being judgemental are few of those. And most importantly in our conversations with our teenage daughters, we got to know what words are not be used in public.
This is just the beginning .. read on for more.
Realize your passion & live it
My elder daughter taught me this important lesson and she was only 5 then. I quote “ Mom I forget everything when I dance”. These were her words when she used to go for her Bollywood dance classes in our neighborhood.
Today she is 15 & continues to be as passionate for dance as she was then. And the same passion drives her whether it is Bharatnatyam or Hip-hop Tik-Tok videos. After a hectic day at school, she is still pursuing her online dance classes with her favourite choreographer from India, which some times run till late at night.
When I see her enthusiastically pursuing her passion, I get encouraged to follow her footsteps.
Don’t forget your roots
Our family moved to Singapore one year back. And we all had a completely new environment to adjust too, especially the girls.
New school, new friends, new infrastructure & a new way of living. So we recently asked our 12-year-old daughter, if she would like to go back to India? After experiencing this new country & what it had to offer, we had a different answer in mind.
Her words were “I Like Singapore but I Love India- how can you even ask that question”. My learning – “No matter how far life may take us, it’s important to be grounded & remember your roots”
And after one year, whenever I have the usual mommy talk with them, I am relieved that the values and culture they grew up with is still intact. And hopefully, they will think twice before going a different path.
Importance of a strong foundation:
During our move to Singapore, a major milestone was school admissions for our girls.
They were moving from a conventional CBSE school to an IB school with an entirely different curriculum. We took this plunge after much deliberation & numerous words of caution.
But imagine my anxiety when the only question my teenage daughter had was this. Will I be allowed to colour my hair? Fast forward to four months later, my daughter shares with me that she is thankful for her schooling foundation. The importance of perseverance she learned in India is helping her now despite the high-school distractions.
It is tough to question the teens of today directly. Hence we need to constantly keep our dialogue on with them and interpret their answers to gauge our parenting efficacy.
Importance of Trust in any relationship:
We have a common Netflix account for the family. This is shared with our daughters & they have open access to all the content. My elder daughter uses her discretion as she is in her mid-teens. But the younger one is very clear. She will only watch the content which she is authorized to.
We don’t need to be the policemen when the kids are conscientious. We just need to calibrate on what is “Right” and when.
Building Trust in your teens starts with us. Our approach has always been to be open with our teen daughters and let them participate in the decision making process where it involves them. And this gives them the confidence that we trust them.

The Perfect Parenting Formula
Reading this you may feel that we have a perfect parenting formula. This is not the case & will never be. There are days when I am unable to understand teenage behaviour & their mood swings.
We also have our share of conflicts & arguments which take us back to the drawing board. The basics are discussed & debated. We may agree to disagree in some cases.
But the important thing is that the open dialogue between the parents & the Zillennials should never stop. Communication is foundational in this day and age. Not only it is desired but it is also the lubricant in making this relationship crank in the right manner.
I truly believe in Andy Smithson’s saying “ The sign of great parenting is not the child’s behavior. The sign of truly great parenting is the parent’s behavior”.
And this starts by listening to our kids & learning from them.
All You Need To Know About Powerful Parenting is this - Listen to What Your Kids Are Teaching You!
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Wow Rippy..
You’re on a roll. Just the thoughts on the minds of most parents in various degrees.
“I forget everything when I dance”..how important that each of us find that passion..
And yes, it’s a lifelong learning from the kids.
Beautifully expressed…parenting is not just providing food, clothing and shelter. I have personally seen my girls hungry for knowledge, curious for new activities and always waiting for my time. It’s a 24/7 thing…..though you are not policing, but you are walking them through every situation. I love the way you trust the kids and give them space to take their own calls….. it is needed. Parenting is actually a learning process and not a teaching one??keep up the good writing and do share them with us…… good luck?
Wonderful wonderful piece u you’ve written this one Rippy. and I know it for a fact that each written word is absolutely true… both paree & rishu are growing up to be amazing young ladies… and most of the credit of course go to you & pankaj… I know in your household… everything is open to discussion… & sometimes it gets too much discussion also but that is anyday better than no or closed communication…
I love it that we can spend hours taking makeup tutorials from Paree …Rishu of course not interested in all this ..
We have so much to learn from today’s kids… that is only if we are open to it..
Well done Sis… so proud of you ??
This is so beautifully expressed bua!! Change is the only constant 🙂
So beautifully expressed bua!! Change is the only constantly 🙂
“A child gives birth to a mother “- my favourite learning I live by. Learn each day how to mother that day.
Work in progress. Is what I call it.
You use the right terms. Zilleniums. And more.
But to each of us – the child is the best teacher.
Here’s to Living and learning and living and learning some more. !!! Every day.
Wow. Very well expressed. Absolutely relatable !!
Hey Rippy…very well written …..but very difficult to excecute for most of the parents i feel….coz most of us are in a parenting race….we want to listen to our kids but again we look at the world outside and compare (thats where most of the parents make mistakes) …if we as parents can even come close to what you have wirtten…then the bonding/relationship between parents and kids will be so transparent and happy …..but unfortuanley looks challenging in the digital world ….but again love your thoughts …cheers to many more …suprit
Very true Suprit , the onus is on us and not on them and we have to work on ourselves constantly .. can’t give up !! For their sake !!
Such a wonderful post…. Thanks for sharing.. trust, almost all of us go through the same conflicts regarding parenting… Me truly at the stage, u have showcased.
And absolutely true… Need an insight from their side.. very aptly said.. reverse parenting:)?
Keep sharing the notes… ?
Stay blessed@dear Rippy
Rippy I’ve always admired your clarity of thots since schoolhood days and I really like this post. Completely agree with Vuca world thing. At one point of time I thought I’ve completely lost it when I just couldn’t tackle my younger one. It’s more learning than parenting. Then my mom and mom in law told to be patient and listen more. Just felt like sharing with u after reading your lovely piece esp the last line. Kind of felt doing the right thing thanks.
All the best keep writing and motivating dear??!!
Thanks Poonam for sharing .. it’s so heartening to know that so many of us share the same feelings and have gone through the same process of learning !! Which continues….
Captured the essence Rippy. So true…Parenting never gets monotonous. As they ( and we all) grow, each day comes with new challenges. Each phase requires recalibration,tightening/ loosening. We learn to be better parents, better people. They grow, we grow.
Very true Ma’am, realising this already with my 6 & 4 yr old devils. I feel that I am dealing with teenagers already . They surely ape their parents & grand parents hence we need to be on our best behaviour around them.
“Reverse parenting” hmmm!!… I better get started early.
Thanks for such great insights.
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